The DMG Group at LiftExpoItalia 2024. DMG SpA and BEG srl have exhibited together for the first time at the Milan event. It was a
The DMG Group at LiftExpoItalia 2024. DMG SpA and BEG srl have exhibited together for the first time at the Milan event. It was a
The DMG Group at LiftExpoItalia 2024. DMG SpA and BEG srl have exhibited together for the first time at the Milan event. It was a
Copyright © DMG 2006/22. Tutti i diritti riservati. | DMG S.p.A. | Via delle Monachelle 84/C | 00071 | Pomezia (RM) | Italia
REA RM 385759 del 21/07/1973 | RI e CF 01406360584 | PIVA (IVA) IT 00993361005 | CS € 259.480,00 i.v. | L’azienda è soggetta a direzione e coordinamento da parte di LIFTCOM RESOURCES S.r.l.p